La mejor marquesa del mundo!
With the help of @coicoireposteria we managed to find a unique recipe that will make you enjoy the perfect chocolate marquise!
For this we will need:
1- Maria type cookies moistened with milk
2- Cream:
100 grs. Evaporated milk
100 grs. Cream
200 grams of condensed milk
150 gr. Pirucream Spread
150 grams of chocolate at least 55% cocoa
3- Cook all the ingredients in a pot until thickened for approximately 15 minutes!
4- We add pieces of Pirucream/Pirulin
5-We assemble the marquise with cream, wet cookie and pieces of Pirucream/Pirulin!
We repeat the process at least 3 times and put it in the freezer and that's it, enjoy. ♥️